[NCUC Finance] Budget Requests Due This Friday

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Tue Apr 16 17:18:09 CEST 2013

Hi Robin

On Apr 16, 2013, at 4:23 PM, Robin Gross <robin at ipjustice.org> wrote:

> I don't think we applied through the official budget process in previous years for meeting room space.

I know we didn't.  I was just asking you what are the cost elements to list in a proposal as I haven't done this with them before as you have.  I have like zero time before leaving town to be trying to imagine the details of conference logistics and don't want to just submit something that says 'conference'.

>  That was a suggestion that came up in Toronto from Xavier as far as I can tell.

Sure, they want it in the regular annual budgetary and planning cycle.  Which would be far better for us than asking for exceptional favors etc.
> Frankly, I don't trust ICANN to cooperate in good faith in providing NCUC meeting space for our conferences.   Every time we have worked with ICANN, it has been a total nightmere.  They promise support one week and take it away the next.  This goes on for months at a time.  Remember the Toronto event, when 2 months before, ICANN said, "sorry we just don't have a room for you, despite what we said earlier."  And it was only because a number of us had a fit they found a room for us in a nearby hotel.  And Beijing, where every week, a different staff member would commit to some form of support, which would be taken away the next day.  One month before the Beijing event, ICANN was trying to tell us they didn't have a room for us.  We had to throw a fit to get a room at the last minute.  That is just no way to plan a conference and they know it.   

I think this pattern can probably be improved on if we just do it the way they want everyone in the community to make such requests.  
> And then staff's promises to give NCUC the gold star treatment in Durban?  It turns out Xavier said those promises were without any authority and we've got nothing for Durban.

Right, different parts of the bureaucracy, different functions.  Nick saying there is space is not the same as Xavier saying there's budget for us to have the space, with all the trimmings.
> Since ICANN is *incapable* of committing to a room 5 months in advance and *sticking* to that commitment throughout those entire 5 months, we should find our own room that we can guarantee months in advance.

I think we should test and see what happens if we play by the rules they want everyone to play before drawing this conclusion...


> Chuck Gomes isn't the only person convinced ICANN staff does not conduct itself in good faith when it negotiates with the community.
> My 2 cents,
>  Robin
> On Apr 16, 2013, at 5:29 AM, William Drake wrote:
>> Hi
>> If we want to submit regular budget requests to ICANN they are due this Friday 19th.  I am leaving for Panama early Thursday and am mightily jammed up in between, so would appreciate any quick guidance and assistance…templates and past submissions at https://community.icann.org/display/projfinadhocws/Community+Group+Workspace
>> Regarding an annual conference, I'm not sure what to ask for besides a room with remote participation and translation, or whether they want numbers attached to each it (some budget requests I've looked at have them, others leave blank spaces for staff to decide).  Robin, maybe you could tell us what you've asked for and gotten before?
>> Regarding anything of a publicity/outreach nature, I already submitted a Fast Track request for $2k for print materials.  It may be that a simple brochure is all we can manage, bandwidth-wise, in which case this is sufficient.  I didn't detect a lot of enthusiasm for my suggestions of a Newsletter or Issue Brief to be released prior to each meeting.  Happy to be corrected.
>> Regarding anything else….They're not going to give us money for more travel slots than other constituencies get, or for more external outreach events on top of IGF.  The only thing that might make sense to submit is to take the text from my GNSO Tool Kit response on having an annual one day retreat for new EC members and put it into a budget item, as I seem to recall someone (maybe Glen or Rob) suggesting this would be better than doing it under the Tool Kit.
>> Thoughts?
>> Bill
>> On Apr 10, 2013, at 5:04 AM, William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch> wrote:
>>> If we want to do an annual conference we'll need to request the funds.  I've not organized one and don't know what to request etc.  Also need to decide if we want anything else...
>>> BD
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: William Drake <william.drake at uzh.ch>
>>>> Subject: Re: [NCUC-EC] Post CD
>>>> Date: April 10, 2013 10:12:39 AM GMT+08:00
>>>> To: "Carlos A. Afonso" <ca at cafonso.ca>
>>>> Cc: ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org
>>>> Hi
>>>> I assume we will all be at the NCUC workshop today.  Why don't we just touch base afterward?
>>>> The most immediate pressing thing is that regular budget requests are due next Friday 19th.  I will have almost no time to work on them, after returning from Beijing I'm in Geneva for three days, Zurich for one teaching, and then off to Panama for the summer school.  So I won't be able to decide solo what we want for the next fiscal year and then do the apps, a group effort this time would be really welcome.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Bill
>>>> On Apr 10, 2013, at 7:18 AM, Carlos A. Afonso <ca at cafonso.ca> wrote:
>>>>> I'll be available until tomorrow (plane will leave Thursday 23:00). Plase sms me at +5521-8132-7822 with time/date if a meeting is confirmed.
>>>>> frt rgds
>>>>> --c.a.
>>>>> ------------
>>>>> C. A. Afonso
>>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>>> From: Edward Morris <edward.morris at alumni.usc.edu> 
>>>>> Date: 09/04/2013 17:45 (GMT-03:00) 
>>>>> To: ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org 
>>>>> Subject: [NCUC-EC] Post CD 
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> As CD is over and we are faced with the challenges of a new quarter, is there a reason the EC should meet as a unit before the four members currently in Beijing depart for other places? I am merely measuring interest, not suggesting it is mandatory, and I'm not even sure it is necessary. It is likely, however, that we will not have as many members in one place for the remainder of our term. If we need a theme it could merely be 'where do we go from here?'.
>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>> Ed
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> Robin Gross, Executive Director
> 1192 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA  94117  USA
> p: +1-415-553-6261    f: +1-415-462-6451
> w: http://www.ipjustice.org     e: robin at ipjustice.org

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