[NCUC E-team] Working teams auto-update, insert php snippets

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Thu Apr 20 19:45:04 CEST 2017

Dear e-team,

In order to have working team memberships update automatically like
in the old site, I installed "Insert PHP Code Snippet" plugin and
wrote snippets to handle Membershio Affairs Team and E-team
(the procedural rules team does not have a dedicated mailing list,
so this doesn't work for it).

For reference, the plugin is this:


and the snippets like this:

print '<pre>';
include '/var/www/members/membership-affairs.html';
print '</pre>';

Every team (list) that should use this update mechanism needs a
similar snippet of its own (just change the filename - the base
part is the list name in lower case).

Tapani Tarvainen

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