[NCUC E-team] Website to-do

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Mon Jul 1 08:52:28 CEST 2013


As I see it the one thing we *really* need to do
before publishing the new site is fixing the front
page and making it up-to-date.

I am a bit apprehensive about changing the front page
as I don't know who installed and configured the theme
and how certain things have been done, I don't want
to break anything.

Could the person who set the theme up please raise their hand?

In particular, what needs to be fixed:

* The rolling image: replace Beijing with Durban
  (an auto-updating image from ICANN would be cool
  but not urgent at this point).
  The map is uglier than Sarah's original design but
  usable, if anyone feels like photoshopping it, please do.

* The video: either remove or (preferably) leave it
  but replace the index picture. (I understand Wilson
  is working on this.)

* The links at the bottom under "NCUC Meetings",
  "Policy" and "Photos & Video" don't work.
  I don't know if we can come up with anything
  for "Policy" - if not, best remove it or replace
  it with something else.
  "Photos & Video" could point to the video page.
  "NCUC Meetings": replace Beijing log with Durban
  and update text.

* Latest News: should have something new. 
  Easiest: just write some new blog entries...
  e.g., about the forthcoming events in Forthcoming
  Events page.

And then we need to remove (hide) menu entries for empty pages,
but that's trivial and can be left until we know which ones
we can get some content for in time.
(I just added something to the History page.)

Tapani Tarvainen

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