[NCUC E-team] Wordpress administration

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Sun Dec 15 10:06:42 CET 2013

I listed Wordpress administration as a separate task because it falls
somewhere between website content management and Linux administration.
This is stuff that's perhaps a bit more technically demanding
but infrequent (not even monthly, and rarely anything urgent).

Roughly, it's things that can be done from the web GUI by users with
Wordpress 'administrator' role, presently me, Brenden, David and Wilson
(who has been using "admin" account for this rather than his own;
I also have two accounts, an admin one and a regular one ("author")).
In practice Wilson has done most of the WP customization, theme
editing &c.

With that division, one task I already listed under website
maintenance is actually WP admin task, namely adding (and removing)
users. In addition their roles (privileges) may need to be
changed from time to time.

Other admin tasks are managing (installing and updating) plugins
and themes and some site-wide appearance settings like menu tree &c.
Note that there're a two custom-made (by me or Wilson) plugins,
changing them requires rudimentary programming (php) skills.
(Specifically, they're "NCUC Members" and "NCUC Ballots".)

One detail perhaps worth mentioning is that a number of pages
in the menu have been made visible to logged-in users only,
this is done by specifying "Visibility" as "is_user_logged_in()"
(uses "Menu Items Visibility Control" plugin).

Upgrading Wordpress itself can be considered a WP admin task
or a Linux admin task, depending on the people doing them
(likely to be same people which would make this moot, but
in principle WP admin doesn't need to know anything about Linux).
This is actually something that should be done pretty soon
(we're running 3.5.1, the latest is 3.8).
The main difficulty here is making sure all customizations
(especially things done to the theme) survive the upgrade
(and if not, being ready to fix or redo them, or to roll
back if it fails; a paranoid might install a new instance
of WP just to test it out...)

Tapani Tarvainen

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