[NCUC E-team] Website maintenance tasks

Rafik Dammak rafik.dammak at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 09:19:15 CET 2013

Hi Tapani,

I guess that there are basically two roles:
- "sysadmin" taking care that everything works smoothly.
- content editor focusing on all needed updates in the website(and maybe
the wiki too)



2013/12/11 Tapani Tarvainen <ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info>

> On Dec 10 14:08, William Drake (wjdrake at gmail.com) wrote:
> > We’ll obviously need to figure out soon how to handle all the
> > e-platform stuff as you step back from this…
> I might add that the amount of work involved is not all that great,
> nor is there anything that needs serious technical expertise -
> most of the tasks can be done by anyone willing to spend
> half an hour learning them.
> But what is needed is someone willing to be in charge, to take
> responsibility - someone to make sure the things that need doing get
> done when they need doing, by someone (not just doing them alone).
> That is, someone willing to "own" the system - someone who *cares*
> about the it.
> I don't think NCUC needs quite his kind of devotion though:
> https://xkcd.com/705/
> :-)
> --
> Tapani Tarvainen
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