From william.drake at Tue Feb 19 15:21:30 2013 From: william.drake at (William Drake) Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 15:21:30 +0100 Subject: [NCUC Communications] Comm Team reboot Message-ID: <> Hi With Beijing Constituency Day now just seven weeks away, it'd be good if we could start to pull together and take necessary steps so we have some movement and even decisions to report at the meeting. What would be some priority activities we could reasonably attempt to at least get started in the weeks ahead? Off the top of my head we might consider: *Beginning to prepare some outreach materials that we could then ask ICANN for funding to produce, e.g. if we wanted to have hand out flyers or even BC-style newsletters, which I could see being of some use in Durban where there could be a lot of civil society types around. Buenos too. Such material could also go onto a new website, when we have one. *Insofar as we don't currently have the bylaws mandated PC, and as whether and how any constituency policy work would interface with SG work going is unclear and in some minds a tender topic, perhaps for now it is better to steer clear of doing the sort of short and polished policy statements I was thinking of. But NCUC doesn't' have to go mute, and could address, for example, matters that go beyond GNSO and the Council, such as the our constituency views of the way the outreach and engagement "initiative" is being managed, roundtables and other selective encounters, the transparency and accountability gaps (staff/management's, but also GNSO wide comparisons in neutral voice, feeing into Fadi's Transparency International idea), etc. These types of broader institutional/process points have long been raised by NCUC and doing so again shouldn't give rise to internal strum un drang? Basically, we can do whatever we want, really. Is there anything in the realm of messaging and communication it'd be good for us to be doing at this juncture? Best, Bill *************************************************** William J. Drake International Fellow & Lecturer Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ University of Zurich, Switzerland Chair, Noncommercial Users Constituency, ICANN, william.drake at ****************************************************