[Bylaws] NCUC Bylaws Revision Committee Meeting

Timothe Litt litt at acm.org
Fri Sep 27 14:23:30 CEST 2013

> indicate your availability to meet  by completing the calendar at the 
> following Doodle site:

> http://doodle.com/mk7n3cqpvhrx4wib
FWIW, this fails if you access the site with IE 10.  Firefox works.

An error just occurred: Bad Request - Bad Request (400)

Error details:

  *  > Error Id: 5566169774869221
  *  > Request url: /np/new-polls/mk7n3cqpvhrx4wib/participants
  *  > Worker: worker1
  *  > Time: Fri Sep 27 08:00:11 EDT 2013

Timothe Litt
ACM Distinguished Engineer
This communication may not represent the ACM or my employer's views,
if any, on the matters discussed.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Bylaws] NCUC Bylaws Revision Committee Meeting
Date: 	Thu, 26 Sep 2013 22:46:34 +0100
From: 	Edward Morris <edward.morris at alumni.usc.edu>
To: 	bylaws at lists.ncuc.org

Hi everybody,

Thank you so much for volunteering to serve our Constituency on the NCUC 
Bylaws Revision Committee. The preparatory work done,  we're pleased to 
announce the launch of the Committee with our inaugural meeting. If 
you'd be so kind as to indicate your availability to meet  by completing 
the calendar at the following Doodle site:


it will allow us to select the meeting time with the broadest possible 
participation. We will let you know no later than Monday when we'll 
meet. The meeting will be conducted using a full  Adobe Connect / bridge 
setup, courtesy of ICANN. The session will last no longer than one hour.

In preparation for the meeting, it might be a good idea to check that 
which we'll be revising, the current NCUC Bylaws, which can be found here:


Thanks again for stepping up and volunteering to help with this most 
important effort. Your willingness to help out on this matter is greatly 
appreciated. I look forward to working with you.

Kind Regards,

Ed Morris

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