.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>Dear Rafik, EC members,<div><br></div><div>Sorry for the belated response.</div><div><br></div><div>1. I think and agree that we EC members have an EC meeting in Marrakesh, providing remote participation for members who are not able to attend in person.</div><div>This is very good opportunity for the new EC to get together and discuss NCUC issues.</div><div><br></div><div>2. I have not received any information regarding travel support for the Marrakesh meeting.</div><div><br></div><div>Best</div><div>Peter</div><div><div><hr id="stopSpelling">From: rafik.dammak@gmail.com<br>Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2015 16:42:38 +0900<br>To: ncuc-ec@lists.ncuc.org; maryam.bakoshi@icann.org<br>Subject: [NCUC-EC] Tasks and planning<br><br><div dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Hi everyone</p>I know that is holidays period so I won't expect quick response but I wanted to share here some task we have to do in short term:<BR><BR><ul><li>Marrakech meeting schedule:<br></li></ul><BR>the deadline is 7th January to submit meeting requests for NCUC sessions. we usually have the Tuesday constituency day and that would be covered.<BR>do you think we should have an EC meeting in Marrakech? we can have remote participation for those who won't be there.<BR>there is possibility to have a NCUC session for CS as usual in Saturday, cooperating with Adam and Jean-Jacques for that.<BR><BR><ul><li>Call for volunteers for NCUC positions: we should start call for volunteers for the different positions NCUC to fill , <span style="font-size:12.8px;">NCUC representatives to NCSG EC, PC, GNSO SCI, PIR. </span><br></li></ul><BR>@Maryam please find out previous calls so we can use and tweak them. we need volunteers to drafts the positions descriptions and do this by January and also agreeing about the process and criteria.<BR><BR><ul><li> NCPH meeting in LA planning & agenda: there is discussion about the NCPH meeting agenda (please find attached the draft agenda). we will also have our session during the meeting and before in Day 0.<br></li></ul><BR>please review the agenda and share your input. other groups are pushing for discussing GNSO review and its future.<BR>btw did you receive any communication from constituency travel for the travel arrangement?<BR><BR><ul><li>Marrakech meeting NCUC material: the flyer should be updated so we can get it printed for Marrakech meeting. any additional other material you would like to make (deadline is 5th Feb)<br></li><li>Special financial requests: <br></li></ul><BR>deadline 15th February, we have the financial request process where we can apply to get funding for some activities we would like to do. usually NCUC applied every year to get support for an IGF workshop.<BR>any idea on what activities/initiatives, support we want to apply this year (please find the documentation attached). you can check what was requested for previous fiscal years here <a href="https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=44958870" target="_blank">https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=44958870</a><BR>we need to work on that and have clear plan for each request. <BR><BR><ul><li> NCUC travel policy: we should launch the call for those interested to apply for NCUC support to attend Marrakech meeting. we should do the call by January.<br></li></ul><BR>as reminder <a href="http://www.ncuc.org/participate/ncuc-travel-support/" target="_blank">http://www.ncuc.org/participate/ncuc-travel-support/</a><BR><BR><ul><li>CROPP & outreach: we should discuss about our plan CROPP slots. one was allocated to Monika for conference in Brussels and she is working with Farzaneh to organize a NCUC side event there in addition to the panel. we should do the same for other CROPP slots i.e. having a NCUC side event or specific outreach activity. <br></li></ul><BR>this is just part of the outreach/in-reach efforts we have to work on.<BR>we will have an NCUC EC call in 15th Jan. any suggestions for agenda items?<BR>Happy holidays,<BR>Best Regards,<BR>Rafik<BR>
NCUC-EC mailing list
http://lists.ncuc.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ncuc-ec</div></div> </div></body>