Benjamin Akinmoyeje benakin at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 01:11:06 CEST 2023

Dear Ken,
Thank you for your feedback. I had  mentioned during the NCUC EC
conversation that the proposal was very scanty and it was just a place
holder to engage PIR. I guess your response is reiterating that point.

The conclusion at  our meeting was you should lead the process and develop
the workshop or the capacity development session. I believe you have a
blank slate to write up a standard proposal, however you want it to be.

Please there are no more details anywhere. PIR will give us the funds
irrespective. At the moment , the event targets policy issues - the
majority of the participants or speakers would be from NCSG.

PIR would like to support us and they need a vehicle to do that, we are to
come up with a program that they can support, that is our task. The amount
is still tentative, we should develop our proposal and see how much we
really need.

We should have the proposal to them this week, it is just a proposal we can
always tweak it, at least it would get us the funding, if we update the
document we have now with more details - it will suffice.

ICANN support would only be possible or not after we are clear about
objectives and schedule.

The proposal I shared with you was developed on the fly, and we have just
found out that the policy folks are unavailable a day before ICANN 77, we
were all informed during the NCUC EC call by ICANN staff( Andrea).

The  draft proposal should not limit us from  developing a practical
proposal for an activity in ICANN77, it has served it's purpose.

I think we should be agile enough to grab opportunities like this.

Kind regards,

On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 9:33 PM Ken Herman <ken at kherman.com> wrote:

> Hello Benjamin.
> I did see the proposal and, to be honest, I have very clarity on
> expectations or deliverables or next steps. The proposal is really very
> sparse on details. Nevertheless, I feel confident that together we can
> create a useful programme.
> To start, I see that the proposal contains two initiatives: the ‘buddy
> programme” and the “Workshop”. Of the two, the workshop seems more geared
> to the ICANN77 meeting, whereas the “Buddy Programme” appears more as a
> long-term activity. Therefore, since the focus at the moment is an activity
> for Washington, DC, I will work on the workshop and leave the buddy
> programme to you.
> Regarding the workshop, perhaps you will be kind enough to share more
> details regarding the conversation with PIR.
>    1. Are they committed to the workshop or are they expecting a more
>    detailed proposal prior to commitment?
>    2. If they require a proposal, what is the deadline for that?
>    3. What financial expectations did you convey to them and what were
>    they prepared to offer?
>    4. What are the expectations for ICANN org regarding supporting this
>    activity, or is this entirely separate from them? This is important for a
>    number of reasons, mostly having to do with availability of individuals
>    (like board members and such) as well as things like hotel reservations. In
>    fact, the entire logistics component of this is very unclear).
>    5. Since it includes one hotel night, what was the rationale regarding
>    travel?
>    6. The proposal only mentions NCSG, so what is their expected
>    participation in the planning and running of the event?
> Finally, please share with me the contact information for the individual
> at PIR that is coordinating this at their end.
> I may have other questions which I will raise as they occur to me.
> For all the EC members, I will shortly call an informal meeting so we can
> brainstorm on how we see this initiative evolving – what material should it
> include, who should be invited, etc. I look forward to everyone’s
> participation.
> Thanks
> Ken
> *From:* NCUC-EC <ncuc-ec-bounces at lists.ncuc.org> *On Behalf Of *Benjamin
> Akinmoyeje
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 11, 2023 2:23 PM
> *To:* Exec. Comm <ncuc-ec at lists.ncuc.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [NCUC-EC] PIR NCSG Proposal
> Dear Ken,
> Good day and I hope your day is going well.
> I hope you have had time to see the document, I expect your response to
> the document and I hope you are clear about the next steps.
> Looking forward to hearing from you.
> Kind regards,
> Benjamin
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 6:02 PM Benjamin Akinmoyeje <benakin at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Dear ECs,
> Thank you for your participation in today's EC meeting.
> As discussed during the call, here is the proposal we submitted to PIR.
> Kind regards,
> Benjamin
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