[NCUC-EC] NCSG - Board meeting at ICANN 72

Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix rbeauregardlacroix at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 21:53:01 CEST 2021

Dear all,

The meeting of NCSG with the Board is taking place on Monday at 1600 UTC. I
unfortunately will not be able to attend the meeting on Monday at all. It
would be important that one of you volunteers to take notes during that
meeting, notes that you can then share with Bruna for further reporting to
the membership.

You will find the questions NCSG submitted below.

Thank you and have a nice day,

P.S. Maryam/Andrea, if you could note my apologies, thanks!


1. On the FY22 Goals document developed by the ICANN Board we can find
 "Goal 9: Work with Internet governance stakeholders around the world who
share the objective of one open Internet for all". With regards to this
discussion, we would like to point out that its pretty much welcome but can
also be interpreted as a rather broad goal. Therefore  NCSG would like to
ask the Board what are the steps that you envisage? How do you ensure that
it still preserves the multistakeholder model within ICANN? What is
"healthy collaboration", what does it mean? Lastly, what about the
governments which do not share objective of the open internet?

2. What are the plans for our return to F2F/Hybrid meetings? NCSG would
like to discuss and learn how the decisions are going to be taken, what
factors are going to be weighed in, in particular about vaccines. And what
is a back up plan if we return to the meeting but some people can't travel.
Has the Board considered experiences of hybrid meetings? If yes which ones?

Additionally, the Board intended to discuss how they can "* efficiently
identify and work more closely with Governments globally, as well as
educate, train and interact when it comes to geopolitical issues relating
to ICANN’s mission. "*
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