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Dear friends,
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as I was nominated by the NCUC to serve es a member of the 2020 NomCom, I want to give a short first report wherer we are in the process.
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1. The 2020 NomCom was constituted during the ICANN Meeting in Montreal.The 2020 NomCom has to fill seven positions (2 ICANN Board members, 1 PTI director, 1 GNSO Council, 1 CNSO Council and 2 ALAC members (North America & Europe)
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2. The call for application was published in mid-December 2019. You can find all information on the NomCom Website (
<a href="https://www.icann.org/nomcom2020">https://www.icann.org/nomcom2020</a>). The applications period ends mid-February 2020.
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3. We are now in the Outreach Phase. We used the IGF in Berlin and other conferences and meetings to advertise the call for application. We published the call also on a number of websites, blogs, mailing lists etc. The plan is to have a first evaluation of candidates during the forthcoming ICANN Meeting in Cancun (March 2020). After Cancun we will enter into the phase of deep diving, interviews etc. The "short list" should be ready before the ICANN meeting in Kuala Lumpur (June 2020) We hope to finalize the selection work during Kuala Lumpur meeting so that we can announce - after the due dilligence process - the nominations in August 2020. The new nominees will take their seats after the ICANN meeting in Hamburg, October 2020.
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4. It would be very helpful at this stage, if members of the NCUC-Community would support outreach activities and invite good candidates from the communities to consider an application. Good final nominations depend on a pool of excellent candidates. We need in particular more female candidates and candidates from regions which so far are unterrepresented in the various ICANN bodies. You can find also some additional criteria for candidates (in particular skill needs for specific positions) on the NomCom Website.
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I want to use this opportunity to thank the NCUC for the support I got so far. I am looking forward an enhanced communication with the community. As you know, the NomCom works under the principle of confidentiality. This principle was introduced to protect the candidates. NomCom is not a "conspiracy". I served already in six NomComs and I think that the NomCom process is very fair and accountable to the community. However, I want to bring as much as possible transparency to the "process" so that you are informed where we are and what the communicty can contribute to enable the NomCom to bring the best people into leadership positions. Feel free to contact me individually, if you have any questions or proposals.
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Happy holidays for everybody
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