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<div>Hi everybody,</div>
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<div>With the election for the NCUC EC due to begin tomorrow I wanted to take a moment to pay tribute and offer my thanks to a departing EC member, Roy Balleste. Roy, despite recently having to deal with some pretty substantial things that appeared unasked for in his life, has been an exceptional representative on the EC for North America during the past two years. Through his work on WHOIS and in setting up the Internet Governance Digital Portal, in conjunction with St. Thomas University, Roy has made a lasting contribution on behalf of noncommercial users in the ICANN and in the internet governance worlds. His cooperative nature combined with his intelligence and pure common sense always made the experience of working with Roy a pleasant and fruitful one and the results of his work will benefit all of us well into the future.</div>
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<div>Thank you very much Roy for your hard work and service to our community the past few years on the NCUC EC. I know we all look forward to working with you in other capacities as we work together to strengthen the voice of the noncommercial user in the internet governance community.</div>
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<div>Thanks again.</div>
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<div>Ed Morris</div>
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