[NCUC-DISCUSS] LAC Representative Appointment for the Remainder of 2022-2023 Term/ Notice of Election

Benjamin Akinmoyeje benakin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 22:39:54 CEST 2023

Dear NCUC members,

The NCUC EC is happy to announce that Pedro de Perdigão Lana will fill the
open position for the LAC Representative to the NCUC EC, for the remainder
of the current term. Pedro is an individual member of both NCSG and NCUC.
We look forward to working closely with Pedro to reach out to our LAC
members for the remainder of this term, which ends after ICANN78.

The EC would also like to announce that there will be an election held
after ICANN78 to seat Pedro in the LAC Representative slot for the
2023-2024 term. There will be more information to follow regarding this

Kind regards,

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