[NCUC-DISCUSS] URGENT - Time sensitive What is your view on on the question of rebalancing the Nominating Committee (NomCom)

farzaneh badii farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 20:39:27 CEST 2023


Not only do we need to respond, we should reach out to our friends and
colleagues and tell them what the problem is. See the responses below:

On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 1:57 PM Benjamin Akinmoyeje <benakin at gmail.com>

> Dear NCUC members,
> Good day and I hope your week is going well.
> Thank you for participating in the NCUC Readout session.  As discussed in
> the meeting today, please share  your response to these questions to gather
> our community views.
> ICANN Board Chair Tripti Sinha is  requesting feedback from your
> respective community groups on the question of rebalancing the Nominating
> Committee (NomCom) by **30 June 2023**. As noted in the letter, the ICANN
> Board wishes to engage with the community to understand the community’s
> views on this topic. The Board is specifically seeking input on the
> following questions:
> 1. What does it mean to have a balanced NomCom at a point in time?
> For example, what criteria would you apply to measure or assess whether the
> NomCom is balanced? And further, how can one test whether or not the
> NomCom is balanced?

A balanced NomCom means that the noncommercial and commercial stakeholder
groups as predicted have the same number of delegates. For example, if the
Commercial Group has three delegates, the noncommercial group should have
three delegates. This is the least that can be done when rebalancing.It
should be remodeled based on GNSO council composition.

> 2. Do you support the view that the current composition of the NomCom needs
> to be rebalanced? Please explain why or why not.
Yes it needs to be rebalanced because as we have argued the
noncommercials have fewer delegates compared to the commercial stakeholder
group. In every ICANN group, the commercial and noncommercial stakeholder
groups should have equal number of delegates, irrespective of how many
internal constituencies they each have.
Also the advisory committees either should be voting delegates or
non-voting delegates. Perhaps because ICANN is privately led and the chair
of GAC is a liaison on the board the nonvoting nomcom (which they have
never appointed) might make sense but it is unclear why some advisory
committees are voting and some are not.

> 3. How frequently does the balance need to be measured or assessed?
After rebalancing, if the review of various ICANN structures lead to
structural changes (which it rarely does)  then we need to assess whether
it should affect delegation on Nomcom.

> 4. How do you suggest that the NomCom’s composition be rebalanced?
Same number of delegates from Commercial and Noncommercial stakeholders
group. If CSG has 3 delegates, NCSG has to have 3 delegates too. We don't
necessarily ask for increasing the number of our delegates but we ask to
reconsider the number of delegates CSG can have.

5. Who should conduct this work, and how should it be conducted?
The board should follow the third party reviewer recommendation.

> 6. How would your community group prioritize consideration of this issue
> within your planning efforts?

This has been a priority issue for NCUC and NCSG since a long time. We are
directly affected.

> Additional background on the work to date on this topic, including by the
> NomCom Review Implementation Working Group that
> was set up to implement the outcomes of the Second NomCom Review (see
> https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/correspondence
> <https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/correspondence> for each of the
> letters sent to all 21 SOAC leaders). In addition, on 25 May 2023, the
> Chair of the Board’s Organizational Effectiveness Committee, Katrina
> Sataki, and members of ICANN org’s Reviews Support & Accountability team
> gave a presentation to the GNSO Council that covered the present
> structure of NomCom, a brief history of the rebalancing matter and
> forthcoming actions. As such, you may find the presentation
> <
> https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2023/presentation/presentation-gnso-council-
> nomcom-rebalancing-revised-25may23-en.pdf> and
> the recording
> <
> https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/7pSQ37mSB5wGz8-msQS2PDpzhQ6VdJQISm2SYmWKwfFMWFM_Z6FdMsFiipNyIV-E.J55mm5SBjoZJS9d9?startTime=1684990882000
> > (from
> 00:14:10 - 00:31:38) helpful in discussing any planned feedback with
> your members.
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