[NCUC-DISCUSS] Icann at RightsCon

Dirección Ejecutiva IPANDETEC direccion at ipandetec.org
Wed Jun 7 15:16:30 CEST 2023

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June 7, 2023 | 11:30am - 12:30pm CST
Room Guanacaste 2
The internet at risk: the global Internet must survive in a fragmented world

The importance of an unfragmented Internet for economic and social
prosperity is undoubted. Most policy debates relate to platforms or
applications that are enabled BY the Internet, but with little regard for
the underlying networks themselves. When we talk about Internet
fragmentation we are often referring to fragmentation of the user
experience, for example Internet shutdowns, denial of access to certain
platforms, restrictions on speech or assembly online. But we ignore the
consequences of technical fragmentation, where the global network of
networks might be splintered into national or regional networks operating
under different regulations and potentially different forms of government
intervention and control.

There is a growing trend of regulatory frameworks targeting or impacting
the technical level of Internet governance, the layer of critical Internet
resources. This layer is at the core of free flow of information, the free,
open and interoperable Internet. If the global, single Internet disappears,
if this connectivity is lost, we won't be able to talk about open and free
Internet; protecting human rights and speech will be under greater threat
from interventions at the fundamental level of how the Internet operates.
In this session you will hear from diverse stakeholders -- those who keep
the Internet running, digital rights defenders, government -- about the
social, political and technical risks of Internet fragmentation. And how to
coordinate responses to prevent fragmentation in all its forms of this
incredible engine for human achievement and economic and social prosperity.

Host institution: ICANN
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