[NCUC-DISCUSS] GGP Applicant Support Subject Matter Expert Input Request

Benjamin Akinmoyeje benakin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 11:49:42 CET 2023

Dear NCUC members,

On behalf of Mike Silber, GGP Working Group Chair, please find below the
GGP Applicant Support Subject Matter Expert Input Request

As you may recall, the GNSO Council has approved

GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) Initiation Request
to perform work on Applicant Support. The GGP Working Group is beginning
its work with Task 2: “identify experts with expertise to aid in tasks 3,
4, and 5” (see pages 3-5 of the Initiation Request). The GGP Initiation
Request envisioned that the Working Group has the flexibility/discretion to
rely on the advice of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in specific fields to
aid in deliberations for certain tasks pertaining to Task 3, 4, and 5 as
detailed in the Initiation Request. But the Initiation Request also listed
related experience and skills GGP Working Group members should have,
suggesting a possible overlap between GGP members and SMEs. Thus, it may be
that your organization has already appointed members to the GGP Working
Group that you consider SMEs based on this guidance from the Initiation

*Organizations are encouraged to appoint individuals with skills, knowledge
and experience pertinent to forming an effective Applicant Support Program.
Council will provide guidance on the aggregated skill set that is needed
for the group (for example: grant and reviewing, regional DNS
participation, DNS marketplace economics, cost-benefit analyses, TLD
operations, DNS cybersecurity, and TLD investment).*

The GGP hereby requests that, if applicable, your organization suggest SMEs
by responding to gnsosecs at icann.org. If your organization is participating
in the GGP and your representative member is already an SME please also let
us know. If you are not participating in the GGP and not suggesting SMEs it
would be very helpful if you could respond accordingly.

Kindly reply to this email if you are a subject matter expert willing to
join the WG.

Kind regards,

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