[NCUC-DISCUSS] Middle East and Adjoining Countries Group at NCUC

farzaneh badii farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
Thu May 4 15:52:50 CEST 2017

Hello NCUC,

It has been our plan for awhile to create a Middle East and Adjoining
countries NCUC group to discuss the regions noncommercial domain
registrants and domain name users rights.
It is good to bring a focus on this sub-region at NCUC. I hope this
initiative will be useful for that region. If you think other regional sub
groups (Eastern Europe, CIS, Pacific etc) would be useful and you want to
shepherd it, please feel free to contact your regional representative.

Those who are based in the 22 Arab Nations , Iran, Afghanistan and
Pakistan, or are familiar with domain name issues in these regions, please
feel free to volunteer to join this group.

You can state your interest by contacting me.


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