Mueller, Milton L milton at gatech.edu
Mon Feb 6 21:18:24 CET 2017


Your primary goal in this talk should be to make sure the new CEO understands who and what NCUC is, to solicit information from him about what attitudes (prejudices?) and perceptions he has about us, correcting any misperceptions he might have. So I would come up with some basic talking points about that. You need to make it clear why it is absolutely essential that the GNSO continue to be structured in a way that balances commercial and noncommercial and contracted and non-contracted parties, and why board and GAC interference with GNSO consensus policies after the fact is a bad thing.

As a secondary priority, you might discuss the prohibition on content regulation and how we think the use of PICs might circumvent that. You could emphasize our belief that in the new accountability arrangements, ACs such as ALAC were given too much power relative to the much larger and more diverse set of stakeholders in the GNSO, and how a ALAC/GAC alliance in certain bylaw disputes might thwart attempts to keep ICANN constrained within its mission.


From: Ncuc-discuss [mailto:ncuc-discuss-bounces at lists.ncuc.org] On Behalf Of farzaneh badii
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2017 7:25 AM
To: NCUC-discuss <ncuc-discuss at lists.ncuc.org>
Subject: [NCUC-DISCUSS] Meeting with ICANN CEO

Dear NCUC members,

I will have a 1:1 meeting with the ICANN CEO next week. If you would like me to discuss a topic with him, please share it on this list by 10 Feb. Since this is a 30 minute talk I cannot cover everything but I will try my best to at least mention some of the suggested topic briefly.


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