Suggested agenda topics for the ALAC/NCSG meeting in Prague?

Evan Leibovitch evan at TELLY.ORG
Tue Jun 5 19:29:28 CEST 2012

Hi again,

Although it's not slated to come out of an At-Large comment process until
next week, I'd like to call NCSG's early attention to ALAC's first White

The paper, titled "Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected" (and
generally referred to internally as "R3") can be found in its current form  at
the At-Large Wiki<>,
along with a proposed timetable for release and discussion leading up to a
formal PCP and ratification by ALAC. There will be a workshop in Prague to
discuss the document, which has been translated into French, Spanish,
Arabic, Russian and Chinese. After any At-Large comments are received and
incorporated next week, the document will be released publicly.

As co-chair of the ALAC working group that produced the paper and one of
its co-authors (which include an ex-GAC member and ex-Board member), I'm
proud of this work and more than happy to have it as part of the NCSG/ALAC
agenda in Prague should that be desired.

- Evan
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