Council nomination

Milton L Mueller mueller at SYR.EDU
Thu Sep 8 22:45:37 CEST 2011

What are you self-nominating for?
I assume GNSO Council, but would like to make it clear!

From: NCSG-Discuss [mailto:NCSG-DISCUSS at LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On Behalf Of Nuno Garcia
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 11:39 AM
Subject: [NCSG-Discuss] Council nomination

Dear all:

This is a self nomination, not because there aren't already many good candidates, but precisely because there are already many extremely good candidates (some still missing, I hope).

My interest in presenting this candidature is double:
- first, to motivate other participants who may feel they could be useful to the constituency, and also to present another European candidature;
- secondly, because I think there should me more focus on integrating persons with a strong technical and academic background from the areas of engineering and computer science, while with a clear conscience of the values that support our common interests.

So, without any false modesty, I bring to your evaluation my candidature to a seat in the Council.

Following the rules, here is my presentation:

- Nuno M. Garcia, Europe, Male (b. 22-11-1965), Professor at the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies, Lisbon and at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.

- no conflicts of interest with NCUC or with the ICANN.

- the reason that motivates this candidature is I believe in the need to have a counselor that has a strong technical background from the areas of engineering and computer science, while with a clear conscience of the values that support our common interests.

- qualifications: PhD in Computer Science and Engineering (scientific area of Computer Networks); several years of volunteer in social organizations.

- I declare that I have time to commit to the tasks associated with position.

Finally, I hope more nomination may appear, this is great to the vitality of the constituency.

Warm regards from Portugal,

Nuno Garcia
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