U.S. House A Big Fan of Piracy

Alex Gakuru gakuru at GMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 28 21:17:33 CET 2011

SOPA Supporters Don't Appear to Walk the Walk
By Karl Bode

The US House of Representatives continues their breathless support of
the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) despite warnings from experts that
the law will stifle free speech and break core Internet functionality.
It's amusing, then, that another analysis of BitTorrent transfers
listed over at You Have Downloaded shows that there's a significant
number of House members, visitors and employees engaged in piracy.
Over 800 IP-addresses assigned to the U.S. House of Representatives
were engaged in trading copyrighted content, most specifically books.
The same data recently showed piracy by Sony, Universal and Fox,
French President Nicholas Sarkozy -- and the RIAA and DHS. It is of
course shocking that politicians, lobbyists and the RIAA would say one
thing but do another, though perhaps the House website should be
filtered from the broader Internet?


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