Fwd: RSF asks ICANN to intervene in ccTLD policy

Milton Mueller mueller at SYR.EDU
Wed Dec 21 03:09:57 CET 2005

This is an example of how poorly informed some of these civil society organizations are. With laudable objectives (opposition to censorship) they propose laughably out of place solutions (talking to ICANN's ombudsman!!!) and seem oblivious to the actual role of ICANN in ccTLD management. Why don't these orgs join NCUC and/or follow www.Internetgovernance.org if they really want to do some good?  Or is the motive simply to get their name into a news release? 

Dr. Milton Mueller
Syracuse University School of Information Studies
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From: t byfield <tbyfield at panix.com>
Subject: [bwg+] Funkyzeit mit ICANN
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 12:22:39 -0500
Size: 2712
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