[ncdnhc-discuss] RE: Discuss digest, Vol 1 #518 - 5 msgs

t byfield tbyfield at panix.com
Tue Oct 8 00:21:26 CEST 2002

ken.hansen at neustar.biz (Mon 10/07/02 at 03:21 PM -0400):

> - As the chairperson of the "Usage" evaluation team, your comments about the
> technical evaluations are not appropriate and further demonstration of bias.

goodness, if it isn't someone else cropping up on the NCC list and
accusing its active members of bias. last time it was thomas roess-
ler, who fell silent when i asked his opinion on a COI matter rela-
ted to hans kraaijenbrink. 

ken, you seem to be very concerned with the propriety of this con-
stituency's recommendations. since neustar's application wasn't a
success, i'd imagine you've corresponded with other ICANN constit-
uents on the subject. i hope you won't mind if i ask you to share
some examples of that correspondence with us? it would to rest my
fear that you may be singling out the NCC (and perhaps milton him-
self) instead of evenly applying your principles.


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