[ncdnhc-discuss] Fwd: [nc-deletes] Minutes - Conference Call, November 15

DannyYounger at cs.com DannyYounger at cs.com
Fri Nov 22 19:57:13 CET 2002

Hello Milton,

I understand that your current rules provide for non-voting status to such 
chapters (this is one reason why the NY membership is not yet sold on the 
idea of participation in the NCDNHC and has requested that I furnish them 
with additional details -- the NY chapter was extremely vocal in its 
opposition to the denial of voting rights to individuals within ISOC and 
tends to look with disfavour upon organizations -- even its own parent 
organization -- that don't accept all members on an equal basis).  

Perhaps you could advise what the dues would be for non-voting chapters, as I 
still can't find that information on your website, and if the policy 
regarding such non-voting chapters is to be found within an ICANN-approved 

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