[ncdnhc-discuss] ISOC to bid on .org

Milton Mueller Mueller at syr.edu
Tue Jun 4 01:58:21 CEST 2002

The RFP makes it clear that whatever organization bids 
will need to attract significant support from the noncommercial
community as a whole. Let's see what ISOC/Afilias proposes
before prejudging it. 

I think that Board recusals would be a very interesting
problem in ISOC's case. Cerf, ICANN's former CEO Roberts,
Jun, Pisanty, and perhaps others are or have been BoT
members. Even Karl is still I think a member.

Afilias also has the slight problem of partial ownership
by VeriSign.

At any rate, Given ISOC's status as a quasi-commercial
trade association, I would think it could not stand on its own
in this competition; it would need support from other 
organizations. Let's see what happens.

>>> "James Love" <james.love at cptech.org> 06/02/02 05:02AM >>>
Who on the ICANN  board will have to recuse themselves over this bid?

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