Who is keeping scores? Re: [ncdnhc-discuss] About Marketing Practices in .ORG

Dave Crocker dhc2 at dcrocker.net
Wed Jan 2 09:40:59 CET 2002

At 11:20 PM 1/1/2002 -0800, Barbara Simons wrote:
>which the rest of us wanted to move on.  Speaking for myself
>only, I found your approach quite frustrating and counterproductive.
>And, as I suggested in my earlier email, it was hardly the behavior
>that I would have expected from someone in a leadership position.

Indeed, Barbara, it is heartening to see someone who was president of the 
ACM do so a much better job.  Your constant attacks, lacking even the 
integrity of being direct, serve as a model for us all.

>Yes, and that is called leadership.  You are a designated leader of the
>ncdnhc, whether you like it or not.

Gosh, Barbara.  It really is just so VERY clever of you to add that little 
tag on the end.  Vany has made no statement expressing regret at her role, 
but you choose to invent an implication otherwise, thereby nicely 
distracting from the legitimate content of this thread.

> > > Of course if the ncdnhc
> > > holds an opinion with which you have major disagreements, you always
> > > have the option of resigning - rather than being put in a position of 
> having
> > > to cast a vote that would compromise your beliefs.
> >
> > Barbara, what a lack of respect against me and the organization I
> > represent!!!
>Excuse me.  What did I say that was disrespectful?

Yeah.  Right.  As if your wide-eyed innocence has even the slightest 

It really would be helpful, Barbara, for you to show just a modicum of 
integrity when your actual meaning has been challenged.

>Of course, Vany, you have the right to express your opinion.
>But when you abuse that right by preventing other work from
>taking place and by making it essentially impossible for others
>to express their opinions,

impossible?  really?

who was unable to express their opinion, then or now, Barbara?  You and I 
were both able to.  So were others.

So who was prevented?

>  The word "politic" is defined in my copy of Webster's dictionary as
>"having practical wisdom; prudent; shrewd; diplomatic".  These are
>the characteristics that I would hope to see displayed by our leaders.

Pray tell, Barbara, why you seem unable to direct such prudent wisdom to 
your buddy Milton, who shows consistent and greater antagonism than anyone 
else you direct your attacks at?

>I'm delighted to hear that the AdCom members have good personal relationships.

Feeling a bit of envy, Barbara?


Dave Crocker  <mailto:dcrocker at brandenburg.com>
Brandenburg InternetWorking  <http://www.brandenburg.com>
tel +1.408.246.8253;  fax +1.408.273.6464

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