[ncdnhc-discuss] Names Council agenda item request: discussionof wholesale price for names

Milton Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Thu Aug 29 05:26:53 CEST 2002

Until we add more than 500 TLDs a year there is 
no issue with BIND and DNS. None. 

If VeriSign is having scaling problems might that
have something to do with the amount of market
concentration within its domain? Com is a pretty 
big zone.

>>> "todd glassey" <todd.glassey at worldnet.att.net> 08/28/02 04:57PM >>>
Milton - you are calling for the addition of more TLD's and this is an
issue. It is an issue with DNS and BIND and how it works. Specifically how
it scales and how it is managed. Bluntly the adding of more TLD's is not the
answer with the current framework. In fact it is so costly to manage these
that registrars are choked with what they have now.

Likewise the answer is not to add more Registrars per se. Its to make the
Address Resolution process more scalable and certainly more manageable. If
you have any doubts ask Verisign why it would spend money to develop an
alternative to BIND and Name Service management infrastructures that they
call Atlas.

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