[ncdnhc-discuss] Resolution on ORG Divestiture

Jefsey Morfin jefsey at wanadoo.fr
Fri Oct 26 12:15:07 CEST 2001

On 21:12 25/10/01, Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales said:
>I propose a vote on the document, paragraph by paragrah, sent to the NC
>on July since it is imcomplete and doesn't representes yet an official
>position of the NCDNHC.   Since this document has being discussed
>already, I don't think it is needed more time for more discussion.

It seems this appropriate method - followed by every international
or UN assembly of serious stance - is mostly denied to the ICANN
SOs and constituencies due to its incredible cost. I would suggest,
Vany, that the same way you worked on teleconferencing, we set-up
a working group with the purpose of:

- listing all the available free and paying voting solutions
- test them and relate with their provider
- select a working solution and monitor its operations.

for the Frax, still a not voting no member

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