[ncdnhc-discuss] Resolution on ORG Divestiture

Milton Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Sun Oct 14 19:39:32 CEST 2001

Resolution on .Org Divestiture

a) The .org TLD is the TLD where most members of
the NCDNHC with global generic domain names register; 

b) The .org TLD now contains a wide variety of 
Internet users, including individuals; unincorporated 
organizations, alliances, and groups; and some 
informational sites and defensive 
registrations from commercial organizations; and

c) There is no single, globally applicable, clearly 
defined and easily applied standard for determining 
who should be eligible to register in the .org TLD; 

d) Advance restrictions on who can register raise the 
costs of domain name registrations; also, dispute 
initiation procedures designed to impose restrictions 
after registration also raise the costs and risks of 
registering a domain; and

e) Evicting current registrants in the .org TLD or 
cancelling their registrations upon expiration would 
destabilize user expectations, raise the costs of 
administering the TLD, create needless legal 
conflict and contribute little of value to the 
noncommercial Internet community or the domain name 

Be it Resolved:
1. That the Noncommercial Domain Name Holders 
Constituency fully supports the concept of making .org 
into a "sponsored, unrestricted domain" as proposed by 
the Names Council Task Force on .ORG Divestiture.

2. That sponsorship of the .org TLD should
be placed in the hands of an organization that has
strong support from the NCDNHC and that will use 
revenues from the sale of registrations to support 
the participation of noncommercial interests in the 
ICANN process.

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