[ncdnhc-discuss] Membership eligibility for chapters

Dave Crocker dhc2 at dcrocker.net
Tue Nov 27 00:44:37 CET 2001

At 06:32 PM 11/26/2001 -0500, Milton Mueller wrote:
>or where real autonomy
>can be demonstrated,

What are the criteria for autonomy?  How shall we measure it?

>I admit that I am more suspicious of
>people like Kent, who stretched our membership
>requirements to begin with by joining as a
>boat club, whose policy positions never
>seem to correspond to the interests of
>real noncommercial organizations,

Please point to the document that articulates what the "interests of ... 
noncommercial organizations" are.  So far, no one has been able to, but it 
is clear that you know exactly what these interests are.  You would be 
doing us all a great favor to provide documentation.

>and who
>wants to play both sides of the fence by
>joining the Business constituency.

So, the real problem is that Kent does not vote the way you like?

Well, yes, that is a serious problem.  So from now on, let us make the 
membership require everyone must vote the same as Milton.

That is, after all, the logic that Milton is using.

Perhaps next we will refuse membership to all blue-eyed people.

Perhaps the real problem is that Milton is unable to recognized principled 
participation?  (OK, yes.  I'm picking on Milton.  He is not the only 
member with this difficulty.)


Dave Crocker  <mailto:dcrocker at brandenburg.com>
Brandenburg InternetWorking  <http://www.brandenburg.com>
tel +1.408.246.8253;  fax +1.408.273.6464

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