[Membership-affairs] Membership Affairs Coordinator and New Member Intake

William Drake william.drake at uzh.ch
Sun Jun 23 10:44:18 CEST 2013

Hi Rafik

Thanks, that'd be very helpful indeed!  And since you're also on the NCSG EC, this should also help with ensuring the timely transfer of new member intake info from there.  There's been no formalized process in the past but perhaps we could formalize something simple along the following lines,

1.  Each time NCSG EC meets to review current applications https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmHFgvYjF_e4dENsT21PLTFmeW9qZ2pLLWowc3RTbmc#gid=0 and approves a batch, the NCUC reps there (currently you and Milton) forward to NCUC Chair and the Membership Affairs Coordinator (that should be easy :-)  a list of those who've indicated that they'd like to join NCUC (would be good to include their institutional affiliation & country for our membership records).

2.  The Membership Affairs Coordinator forwards the list to this team for info, and the NCUC chair forwards the list to the NCUC EC for approval and asks the members who manage the listserv and website to add them.

3. The Membership Affairs Coordinator sends a standard welcome message to the newbies.  Would be good if this team could decide what info should be conveyed and draft the letter.

4. Should we get the necessary technical support, in the future the transferral from NCSG EC to NCUC EC perhaps could be automated.

Sound ok?



On Jun 23, 2013, at 9:12 AM, Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I understood the current situation,its challenges and the need to move forward, I offer to to volunteer temporarily for  this role and see how things can evolve till and after durban meeting. 
> Best,
> Rafik 
> 2013/6/11 Edward Morris <edward.morris at alumni.usc.edu>
> Hi everyone,
> It is with deep regret that I need to announce my resignation as facilitator of the NCUC Membership Affairs committee.
> I care deeply about this Constituency and about the issues that this group was committed to work on. The Committee structures were a valiant attempt to reboot the NCUC. Bill Drake deserves a lot of credit for trying something as innovative and as daring. He stepped up when no one else would and we should all applaud his effort and goals.
> I've come to the conclusion that the committees are not working. The reasons are many, but for this particular committee I believe we really need to up our infrastructure before taking on larger challenges. Slowly these changes are taking place and we're getting close. Still, until we have MIS integration between NCSG and NCUC and a commitment for faster processing of membership applications I believe it's irresponsible to conduct a large scale membership campaign. The things that need to be done can be resolved, IMHO, easier without the bureaucracy of a committee structure.
> When people wait a long time to be admitted their enthusiasm evaporates. I've had too many examples of folks who apply with great enthusiasm and then lose interest while waiting to be admitted. I can't do that to people any more. It benefits no one.
> So, this is a great opportunity for someone to take up the challenge of making this committee work in ways I could not. I'm hoping someone will step up and help Bill by accepting the challenge of becoming facilitator of this committee. I'll do my best to help whoever decides to take the role, particularly with the 25 applicants waiting to be admitted. It's a great challenge for someone willing to put the time, energy and effort in to build a growing and more diverse NCUC.
> Thank you all for your service.
> Respectfully,
> Edward Morris
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