[NCUC E-team] NCUC YouTube channel=> Conference Publicity

William Drake wjdrake at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 08:33:00 CET 2014

On Mar 11, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Joly MacFie <joly at punkcast.com> wrote:

> The NCUC YouTube channel has a bunch of untitled videos, and could do with some care and attention.
> Who has the admin?

Yes, I’d heard that, but not had time to check.

As I’ve been saying for months now, it would be really good if we had a clear shared understanding and documentation of who does what functions.  It’s a pity to have stuff floating out there that’s not properly curated and linked to our website etc. 

On a related note, ICANN staff are going to do some multi-platform promotion of our conference, basically because we are not.  It would be good if we were doing some of our own rather than having to rely on them.  I’ve seen a couple @ncuc tweets but without #ICANN or #ICANN49 which is needed to get the word out broadly. 

I don’t even know who has access to @ncuc; just Brenden? 

We should have a coordinated publicity effort for the conference pre and during.  Someone should be tweeting it live and directing people to the URL.  Maybe other platforms too.  Perhaps someone who’s getting NCUC travel funding to be at the meeting?

Team coordinators should coordinate.

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