[NCUC E-team] [OT] Adobe Connect on Linux

Pranesh Prakash pranesh at cis-india.org
Wed Jan 29 22:24:17 CET 2014

Dear all,
I'm sorry this is off-topic, but I could really do with some help.

According to Adobe Connect's support page,[1] it is supported on Linux:

> Linux
>     Ubuntu 11.04, 12.04; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6; OpenSuSE 11.3
>     No Add-in support for Linux. Users on Linux can attend meetings in the browser.*
>     Mozilla Firefox
>     Adobe Flash Player 10.3+ (11.2+ recommended)

I'm currently on Ubuntu 13.10, and have Adobe Flash Plugin v11.2.202.335.

Since Firefox is supported, I've tried with Firefox (v26.0).  (And just to be doubly sure, I've also tried with Chromium.)

Yet, after I reach this page, it doesn't progress further:

The blue bar reaches 100%, says "Connecting...", and then does nothing.  After around five-six minutes, I get this error:
"The Meeting Room could not connect to the Adobe Connect Server. Please re-launch the Meeting Room, or refresh your browser to restore the connection."

The troubleshooting page says that I pass all the other tests, but fail the "Adobe Connect Add-in Test".

According to Adobe Connect's tech support page, I should need add-in support except if I want to share my screen or share documents.

Any suggestions?  Also, who in ICANN should I communicate with to fix this?


 [1]: http://www.adobe.com/products/adobeconnect/tech-specs.html

Pranesh Prakash
Policy Director, Centre for Internet and Society
T: +91 80 40926283 | W: http://cis-india.org
Access to Knowledge Fellow, Information Society Project, Yale Law School
M: +1 520 314 7147 | W: http://yaleisp.org
PGP ID: 0x1D5C5F07 | Twitter: https://twitter.com/pranesh_prakash
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