[NCUC E-team] working team listings on WP and PHP code

Tapani Tarvainen ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info
Thu Feb 20 12:09:01 CET 2014

On Feb 20 10:26, Milan, Stefania (Stefania.Milan at EUI.eu) wrote:

> To my understanding, the lists are automatically generated from the mailing-list.


> 1- How are the coordinators set on the website listings? How can we
> change the names as they are incorrect?

The word "coordinator" is simply added to the person's name in the mailing list.
If you open up the administrator view of a team list you should see it;
e.g., in


Wilson's name is given as "Wilson Abigaba, coordinator".
Edit that and the change is reflected in the website
(after a delay of up to one hour).

> 2- Can we detach the mailing list from the listings on the website (without getting rid of the code)?

Of course. If you look at (after logging in)


you'll see for each team stuff like this:

include '/var/www/members/membership-affairs.html';

You can remove that or replace it with whatever you like.

The actual code that generates the included page is unaffected,
even if its output is not used.
For reference, it is done by script /usr/local/lib/teams2html,
which is invoked by /etc/cron.d/memberstats every hour.
You'd need basic Linux shell scripting skills to edit it
(feel free to ask if you find something in it difficult).

> The easiest way would to get rid of the PHP code and create the
> lists manually in the WP page - what do you think of this option?

Sounds like a lot of extra work to me. It requires constant manual
work to make sure the mailing lists and web pages stay in sync.
Why you think it'd be easier than simply maintaining one thing,
the mailing list, I don't understand, but it's not my call.

Tapani Tarvainen

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